Designing dental disruption

We helped launch a dental startup that challenges how dental clinics order their products.




Product Strategy, UX, UI, Build


The Goal

From 240 minutes to 240

Dentists spend an average of four hours every time they reorder dental supplies. Most reordered every two weeks. Our objective was to design a service that reduced this timeframe to effectively nothing.


Business overview

Always is a subscription service that delivers an Always box which contains everything you need to keep your clinic on-track. We were asked to help create the app to desktop and mobile devices to cater for new and growing features, environments and clinician needs.


Inefficiencies in managing the clinic's inventory

Our research found there was considerable challenges for nurses and dentists in arranging, storing and managing their inventory. We dug into the finer details of the what and the why of how ordering worked.  We spoke with nurses, dentists, supply experts and others in understanding the problem space. Over an intensive few weeks, our research found a number of pain-points that our service could address.

The big insight

Over 80% of ordering is for a handful of disposable products used by every patient.


Refine the ideal service offering

Our many workshops, we prototyped not only the service but also the product itself. Discussions of gloves, product-types, quantities, weight, and prices were constant as we worked to refine the ideal service offering.

About the brand

Making Always

It's important to think of branding as not just colours and a logo, but about the positioning of the brand itself in people's minds.  We wanted to position this new service with the right way of expressing its core values, it's essence. After hundreds of different names, we finally landed on one that felt right: Always. We then got to work with creating a mark, colour-scheme and visual language that matched the ambitious nature of this new, bold service.


Tailored online service for all clinic needs

As an online service, the Always web experience needed to support a complicated set of ordering features on top of the usual set of e-commerce functionality customers expect.

We created a calculator to make finding the right quantities for each clinic as easy as possible.